
Education has the power to change the world. This helps in creating a better society to live in. Education not only empowers children to earn a livelihood but also helps them grow up as responsible national and global citizens. Right to Education and Development are fundamental human rights of all children below the age of 18 years. But millions of children are deprived of these basic rights for several reasons including conflict, natural calamities, ethnicity, disability, and above all poverty. We believe that education is both the means as well as the end to a better life: the means because it empowers an individual to earn his/her livelihood and the end because it increases one’s awareness on a range of issues – from healthcare to appropriate social behaviour to understanding one’s rights – and in the process help him/her evolve as a better citizen. Education is the most effective tool which helps children build a strong foundation; enabling them to free themselves from the vicious cycle of ignorance, poverty and disease.

Our Intervention


India's Right to Education law guarantees free and compulsory schooling to all children up to Grade 8. In spite of this, many students drop out of school or discontinue their education due to a variety of reasons (such as distance, cost, access, socio-economic constraints, and cultural barriers). Particularly in rural areas, this phenomenon is more prominent among girls and young women.

Providing education to economically disadvantaged or marginalized communities is an important step in addressing inequality and helping to create a more just society. There are a number of different approaches that can be taken to improve educational opportunities for economically disadvantaged individuals and families.

One approach is to provide targeted educational programs and resources to low-income students and families. This might include programs that provide additional support to students, such as tutoring and mentoring, or programs that provide resources to families, such as school supplies or transportation assistance.

Providing access to higher education for economically backward class can be done by providing scholarships and financial assistance.

It's important to note that addressing educational disparities and improving opportunities for economically disadvantaged individuals and families is a complex task that requires a multifaceted approach. It will likely involve a combination of targeted programs and policies, as well as a commitment to addressing the broader social, economic, and political factors that contribute to these disparities.

Vocational Education for Youth

Our Intervention will be in the form of targetting the Class XII Students, dropouts, disadvantaged group and enhancing the Employbility.Providing education awareness to students who may not have access to it due to financial constraints can have a huge impact on their lives and help to break the cycle of poverty. It's also important to provide quality education to ensure that students are able to learn and succeed. With the help of generous Donors & Philanthraphoic organizations and initiatives that focus on providing education to disadvantaged students,we will try to maximize our impact towards achieving and succedding in the Social Cause. This will also be helpful to conduct research and consult with education experts to identify the most effective approaches to teaching and learning for the students we will be working with.

Nutrition and healthcare support

Providing nutrition and healthcare support to disadvantaged students can be an important part of helping them succeed in school. Poor nutrition and lack of access to healthcare can both have negative impacts on a student's physical and mental health, and can make it difficult for them to concentrate and perform well in school. There are many different ways that we can provide nutrition and healthcare support to students, such as by offering healthy meals and snacks, partnering with healthcare providers to offer on-site medical services or referrals, and providing education and resources to students and their families on how to maintain good health. It can also be helpful to work with nutrition and healthcare professionals to identify the specific needs of the students you are serving and to develop effective programs and interventions to meet those needs.

Awareness program for parents

Providing educational awareness to rural adults can be a valuable way to promote lifelong learning and improve quality of life in rural communities. There are many different approaches that we will follow to provide educational awareness to rural adults, depending on the specific needs and interests of the community we are working with. Some potential options might include offering adult education classes or workshops, hosting information sessions or lectures on topics of interest, and providing resources and materials for self-directed learning. It can also be helpful to work with community leaders and organizations to identify the educational needs and interests of the community and to design programs and initiatives that address those needs. It is important to be sensitive to the unique challenges and circumstances faced by rural communities and to design your educational awareness efforts in a way that is inclusive and culturally appropriate.

Socio emotional well being

Fostering social and emotional well-being is an important aspect of education and can have a positive impact on the targeted group's learning and success. There are many different ways by which we will be implementing the social and emotional well-being of our target audience, including:


  • Providing a safe and supportive learning environment: Creating a welcoming and inclusive classroom culture helps our target audience, feel more connected to their peers and teachers and more comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings.
  • Teaching social and emotional skills: Incorporating social and emotional learning into your vision can help students develop important skills such as self-awareness, self-regulation, and empathy.
  • Providing resources and support for mental health: Partnering with mental health professionals or offering mental health resources and support services can help our target audience who are struggling with mental health issues.
  • Encouraging physical activity and self-care: Encouraging our target audience to engage in physical activity and self-care practices such as mindfulness and meditation can help them manage stress and improve their overall well-being.
  • It’s important to remember that every person is unique and may have different social and emotional needs. It can be helpful to work with them individually or in small groups to identify their specific needs and to develop strategies to support their well-being.

Hygiene drive

A hygiene drive is an effort to promote good hygiene practices within a community. Different ways that will be adopted to conduct a hygiene drive, depending on the specific goals and needs of the community you are working with. Some potential options might include:

  • Providing hygiene education and resources: We will do workshops or information sessions to teach people about the importance of good hygiene and how to practice it effectively. This could include topics such as handwashing, dental hygiene, and general personal hygiene. We will also distribute hygiene-related resources such as toothbrushes, soap, and hand sanitizer.
  • Encouraging behavior change: Different marketing and communication strategies will be introduced to encourage people to adopt good hygiene practices. This could include using social media, posters, and other forms of outreach to promote the benefits of good hygiene and to motivate people to change their behavior.
  • Collaborating with other organizations: we will be working closely with other groups or organizations that are interested in promoting good hygiene to share resources and ideas and to amplify our efforts.
  • It can be helpful to involve community members in the planning and implementation of a hygiene drive, as they may have valuable insights and ideas about the specific needs and challenges of their community. We have to be mindful of cultural considerations and strive to design our hygiene drive in a way that is respectful and inclusive.

Contact Us

Registered address: D-81, 2nd floor, right side flat, Freedom Fighters Enclave, Neb Sarai, New Delhi-110068

Corporate address: K-318, 3rd floor, Lado Sarai, New Deli-110030

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UPI ID: hdfc@9878978